As an Atlanta personal injury lawyer, usually one of the first questions I’m asked by potential clients is how they have to pay my fees. In cases seeking damages for injuries and deaths arising from auto accidents, bicycle accidents, dog bites, slip and fall accidents or other types of cases…
Articles Posted in Personal Injury
Meridia Fiasco Shows Need for Watchful Eye Over the FDA
Meridia (sibutramine) is a prescribed drug that patients in Atlanta take orally to manage obesity during the losing and maintaining of weight. It is the first orally taken serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). It influences the appetite control center in the brain to lessen food consumption by raising satiety…
Taco Bell Sued Over Salmonella Poisoning
As a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta and father of two young girls, this kind of news always catches my attention. A lawsuit has been filed against Taco Bell over last year’s salmonella poisoning outbreak that affected 68 people in 10 states. The lawsuit has been filed on behalf of…
Actos Proving to be More Dangerous than Avandia
Actos (pioglitazone) is a drug that is used by many patients in Atlanta to treat Type 2 diabetes. Individuals who use the drug are put at a greater risk of experiencing a heart attack, congestive heart failure, heart disease, and death. Actos use has also has been associated with a…
Pradaxa Under the FDA’s Watchful Eye
Pradaxa is a blood-thinner that is prescribed to many patients in Atlanta to lessen the chance of stroke and blood clots in people with atrial fibrillation (AFib) not caused by heart valve trouble. It has only been available to patients for two years; however, the side effects associated with the…
Citizenship and Immigration Status Often Not Admissible in Georgia Trials
With the recent changes in immigration law, many immigrants in Georgia are shying away from utilizing the court system for fear of being deported. This is unfortunate and unwarranted because Georgia law is clear: evidence concerning a party’s immigration status is irrelevant to the issues of negligence and damages in…
High Calorie Diet Could Help Treat Brain Injury
Brain injuries are some of the most devastating injuries, and for Atlanta brain injury attorneys, it has always been a matter of concern that there are such limited treatment options for these injuries. However, there have been some studies into the field of traumatic brain injury treatment that have yielded…
Georgia Appeals Court Clarifies Law on Police Pursuit Case
Police pursuit cases can unnecessarily claim many innocent lives and cause thousands of serious injuries every year. Until recently, the defendant police departments have made good faith arguments in court against liability based on these premises: 1) Unless the police car intentionally touched the fleeing suspect’s car, there can be…
Former Atlanta Judge Scandal Puts Focus on the Effects of Brain Injury
As any other Atlanta brain injury attorney, I have been following the case of former federal Atlanta judge Jack Camp and his scandal involving an ATM machine, a handgun and a stripper. Since then, we have also learned that the former judge allegedly suffered from bipolar disorder as a result…
Injured Atlanta Patients to Benefit From Pledge to Limit Radiation Exposure
I recently posted a blog reporting on the overuse of x-rays and other types of diagnostic tests related to dental procedures. According to a recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, a panel of medical experts has pledged to put new general protocols into place to limit radiation exposure to…